Steel is a wonderful material, but it can be corroded by the elements and air pollution. Hot-dip galvanizing protects steel from corrosion in a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly manner and considerably increases its lifetime.

The Advantages

  • ➤ Long-term corrosion protection
  • Benefit from enduring anti-rust defense, lasting for decades to come.

  • ➤ Largest Hot Dip Galvanization Pool in the UAE
  • Our facility features the region's largest hot-dip galvanization pool 16 meters in length, 2.35 meters in width, and 3.2 meters in depth. Giving us a competitive edge.

  • ➤ Aesthetic Enhancement of Metal Structures
  • Experience an overall improvement in the visual appeal of your metal constructions.

  • ➤ Low Carbon Footprint
  • Galvanize metal structures with minimal environmental impact

  • ➤ Recyclable Metal Structures
  • Contribute to sustainability with structures designed for easy recycling

  • ➤ Environmentally Friendly with Waste Reduction
  • Our process minimizes waste, promoting an eco-friendly approach.

  • ➤ Non-Hazardous Zinc Pool
  • Choose safety and sustainability with our environmentally conscious zinc pool.

Call For a Enquiery:

+971 4379 3847

Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process

Hot-dip galvanizing involves dipping steel into a zinc smelter at approx. 450°C following the appropriate pre-treatment. Zinc and steel will then react with one another. An iron-zinc alloy will form on the surface of the steel. This indissoluble compound of zinc and steel creates a protection, which is clearly different from all other processes. Hot-dip galvanized surfaces are not just protected from wind and the weather but also ideally protected from mechanical exposure – for decades to come. Under normal conditions, hot-dip galvanizing will protect against corrosion for up to 50 years and generally more than 25 years in the case of higher exposure levels.